Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Of Obama s Victory Speech - 1181 Words

Rhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Victory Speech Introduction: Barack Obama was re-elected as President of the U.S on November 6th, 2012. Barack Obama held his Victory Speech on the following day. This essay will analyze and comment on an excerpt of that exacting Victory Speech and the solution focus of the criticism will be on the Rhetorical belongings of the Speech. By using numerous forms of Rhetorical apparatus like Anaphora or Tautology, Barack Obama controls to offer a Speech that is full of American thoughts of life, similar to the American promise, the American Dream and the outlook. The Speech is very alike to the one he did in 2008 at the Democratic meeting, and contains numerous forms of replication and between the outline political views. Obamas utilization of second person, straight forwardly making reference of his Audience, this evening is your answer...it fits in with you...it can t happen without you, is keenly utilized to exhibit the significance of the individual and how his Victory and future push to change America will depend on the endeavors of the system. In the brain of his Audience, it is utilized to understand having a place, having their vicinity recognized. In his Speech, Obama makes a few between sexual references to motivational speakers of the past. One such case is Martin Luther King; the street ahead will be long. we will arrive where Obama makes the feeling that it will be an intense, exhausting trip in front of America in fixing the harm doneShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Obama s Victory Speech1245 Words   |  5 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Victory Speech This speech was given by Barack Obama who won 2012 election as the president. I’m going to analysis his voice, audience, speaker’s message and occasion for the speech. Different angle, different view can show all the Obama’s rhetorical words in his victory speech. In 2012, this is Barack Obama’s second inaugural. He had greatest way to put all the rhetorical words in his speech. It was one of the best of his speech so far. Rhetoric was made in fifthRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of President Obama s Speech1407 Words   |  6 PagesIn his 2009 Inaugural Address, President Barack Obama gave an impassioned speech filled with extended metaphors along the lines of movement, travel, and a journey. In fact, much of his economic language throughout the first 100 days of his presidency followed this theme. Obama’s use of these metaphors served to characterize the economic crisis, unite the American people, and frame his perspective on the role of the presidency. Thus, through analysis of his rhetoric, we learn that metaphors reallyRead MoreEssay on Analysis of Obamas Victory Speech831 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of Obama`s Victory Speech The presidential victory speech delivered by Barack Obama who is the president to be was held on November 4, 2008, in Grant Park, Chicago. It is about his won election for the office as the president. I will take a closer look on how Obama emphasizes his speech with stylistic devices. The speech is divided into four parts. The first part is from ll. 1-26, the second from ll. 27- 70, the third from ll. 71-9 and the last from ll. 95-105. 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Abstract In this essay I shall analyze Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, January, 2009 from the perspective of various linguistic techniques. More specifically, I shall propose and focus on the idea that theRead MoreThe Doctrine Of Free Trade1612 Words   |  7 Pagesboth the Republicans and Obama has been ‘defensive protectionism’, which as previously mentioned provides ad-hoc import relief for specific industries on a case by case basis. This section will thus tackle two key myths with regards to US trade politics: firstly the notion that Obama’s protectionism represents a new trade policy in the US and secondly that Republican Presidents have consistently adopted a free trade at all costs agenda. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Waste Management by Companies-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Waste assessment and and how it can be minimize. Answer: Introduction In recent years, environmental requirements have been widely disseminated and incorporated in some industrial activities in an exemplary way. However, in construction, these demands still do not receive the attention they deserve. For example, during the construction and demolition phase a large amount of undifferentiated waste goes directly to the landfill. Example, In Catalonia, during 1998, the construction sector generated more than 3 million tons of waste, a figure higher than the MSW (solid urban waste). Nowadays, due to inertial and market circumstances, both the application of minimization criteria and the quantity of product from construction waste and demolition that is recycled are almost negligible (Bersani, 2008). There is no general environmental protection mentality in this area, no adequate legal and administrative provisions have been made to achieve this, and sufficient codes of good practice have not yet been developed to improve this situation and raise awareness of the agents of the sector(Hall, 2005). Literature review After analyzing the current situation and after proposing improvement actions (see Current Situation and Future Prospects for Construction Waste and Manual for Minimization and Waste Management in Construction and Demolition Works), we have believed Necessary to prepare a new document, which was not originally foreseen in the project: a methodology for drafting an overall version of a Management Plan which rationalizes and optimizes, with environmental criteria, the treatment and recovery of construction waste in works(Blackman, 2001). As was the case with the White Paper Analysis of the current situation and future prospects of construction waste, a summary document of the proposed methodology is developed below, which is justified by the large volume of waste acquiring the initial text. Methodology for the realization of a Waste Management Plan As we have already seen in an article previously published in, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) must respond to a series of parameters that allow us to evaluate the impact that our company is having on the environment, employees, Customers and society in general. This analysis allows us to put in place policies in order to minimize the negative impacts and improve in this way the way our business develops and therefore affects its environment. That is why one of the fundamental aspects when it comes to running a business in the right way is to take into account these parameters related to CSR. In this sense, it is extremely important to be able to understand how our business impacts on the environment. However, once we have clearly understood the degree of impact our business is generating on the environment, the ideal is to begin to delineate a series of business policies that adjust to reduce that impact, for which we can resort to Options, such as starting to manufacture products that can be recycled, carrying out a responsible supply, ie using recycled and renewable materials, and at the same time opt to purchase the raw material through local suppliers, in order to Save on fuel and transportation costs(Hall, 2005). Likewise, we can reduce the environmental impact of our company by minimizing packaging, creating an efficient and economical distribution network, and trying to make transactions only with suppliers and distributors that also include CSR policies in their services. In an exhaustive review (identification, treatment, regulation, etc.) of the potentially toxic products that can appear in the demolitions and in the works is carried out. In the report we find a map with the main authorized managers of environmental assessment. A brief explanation of the objectives and the operation of the computer program to calculate the cost of waste management is given in section. Finally, Annex 6 refers to the aforementioned works of and the deconstruction of military barracks and includes those aspects of the follow-up that have not been dealt with in detail in the main text. Criteria for waste reduction If we look at the hierarchy proposed by the global environmental authorities on the actions to be taken in the management of waste, we will see that the main priorities are prevention and minimization. In this way, other environmental improvements will be achieved, such as the reduction of transport of surpluses(Lippitt, Webb and Martin, 2000).o the landfill o r recycling center, with the consequent reduction of atmospheric pollution and energy consumption. By minimization, it is understood the set of organizational, operational and technological actions necessary to reduce the quantity and / or danger of Waste, by reducing and reusing them at source. It is therefore essential that the first action associated with waste management is to try to reduce its volume at the site where it has been generated. Minimization of waste in construction works. From the fact sheets on recommendations for the reduction and efficient management of waste that appear in the Manual, have been extracted those actions that tend to minimize the amount of waste produced. Research Question, Aim/Objectives and Sub-goals This report iams to find out which methods are best suited minimize and reduce waste management. The research question for this report is based on the research what should be done to minimize and reduce waste. Experimental setup- Lab and field set up The lab has been set up by the guidance of measures and standards that includes the necessary chemicals and reagents. It has also be conducted by professional lab technicians. Only in isolation have there been concerns about the control of building waste in places where there are still no specific landfills or in those companies that have decided to implement an Environmental Management System (ISO 14000). At present, the use of techniques of selective dismantling (deconstruction) is only carried out in pilot experiments, demolitions or partial rehabilitations and administrative impositions derived from the application of safety measures or recovery of elements with relevant patrimonial characteristics(Lippitt, Webb and Martin, 2000). Lack of sensitivity in this regard leads to lamentable situations where initially inert building wastes are mixed with banal and contaminating waste and deposited in landfills not prepared for this purpose (with consequent contamination, Of any order), or discharges occur outside the network of approved landfills. These situations cannot be solved only with adequate legislation and police, but need widespread awareness, still pending. To this end, it was decided to undertake Project Life , Program of technical actions to promote the valorization, minimization and selection of waste originated in the construction and demolition works. Its main objectives are to emphasize the contribution of means and the diffusion of concepts to increase the culture of the sector towards a greater environmental sensitivity, directed, more concretely, to the control and reduction of the residues of heterogeneous composition that generates This sector. As can be seen, in this case we refer to the implementation phase, which completes the cycle started with the previous program Life: The Teaching of arch environmental management authority and the environment on the project phase(Stewart, 2008). Results, outcome and relevance The method proposed here is extremely simple. It is based on establishing, first, the quantity and nature of the waste to be generated. This objective can be fulfilled according to the experience of the builder and the demolition company, if they have already applied classification criteria (which are not frequent). Otherwise, by default, we propose the values detailed in this document, derived from a study carried out by Environmental management authority during the analysis of the current situation of construction waste (although it could happen that , In some cases, did not conform to the company's methods, means, etc.). Complying with this first phase, it would be possible to compile documentation about waste managers operating in the vicinity of the work or demolition. It is necessary to know the characteristics (admission conditions, distance, rates, etc.) of landfills, recyclers, green points, classification centers, etc., in order to be able to define an external management s cenario. From the crossing of the information on the quantity and type of waste with the one from having defined a recovery scenario formed by the external managers can be determined at each moment of the work or the demolition elements (Quantity and characteristics of containers, reservoirs for pollutant fluids, etc.) and presumably will have a lower cost of management of such surpluses. In order to facilitate the process of implementing the Management Plan, a simple computer program has been developed with which to forecast the cost of waste management (Characterization, quantification and management) using the two systems previously described: the data obtained by the Environmnetalmanagemet authority in the monitoring of works or those coming from the construction or demolition company itself. The steps that must be followed in the development of this Plan: This methodology is applicable by all those companies that carry out construction and demolition works, regardless of the de gree of complexity of these (size, location, use, etc.). ), And is focused on building (civil works constructions remain for future waste management plans) (Radojevic and Bashkin, n.d.). The document presents two concrete cases as an example of application: one for the new construction (construction of a residential complex in waste management; And another, for the demolition (deconstruction of military barracks, in. Also, in order to complete the development of the Waste Management Plan according to the previous points, a series of works that appears in this text in the form of attachments. In the first of these annexes, some recommendations are presented in order to minimize the amount of waste that is usually generated in the construction works. The report contains a good practice guide for waste management in line with current legislation. The company of Demolition and the technical equipment that execute the building project must jointly plan the type of demolition in order to be able to introduce reused and recycled elements in the work itself. Reuse of elements: pillars and beams, trusses, doors, windows, furniture, Etc. Reclaiming of materials: production of granulates for fillings and concretes, use of wood chips and plastic for filling of chambers, etc. The building project must be adjusted to dimensional coordination criteria respecting the modular formats of The materials and constructive elements to be reused. From the project phase will be foreseen which spaces of the work or the urbanization will be able to receive material Are recycled (granulates, wood, etc.). Criteria for the evaluation of waste at each stage of the work In order to organize and optimize waste management, it is essential to make an approximation about the quantity and nature of the surplus materials that are going to generate(Radojevic an d Bashkin, n.d.). Next we will expose different possible methodologies to characterize and quantify the waste of the works and the demolitions. Need for an environmental analysis of the company Undoubtedly, environmental performance is an increasingly important issue for companies, since, in short, we must bear in mind that thanks to the correct management of the aspects related to the environment, and with effective policies, we can not only ensure That we comply with the current legislation, but also reduce costs and improve our reputation. That is why, in general, the experts emphasize the need to carry out an environmental analysis of the company, and thus know exactly the impact it is having on the ecosystem in which it operates. Although many will assume that an environmental risk assessment of the company can become an arduous, difficult and extensive, the truth is that we can perform this type of analysis in a simple way. In principle, we must take into account that to carry out an environmental risk assessment of our business, we must use techniques similar to those used in the analysis of the company's security. Here are five key steps for conducting the environmental risk assessment: However, one of the fundamental aspects for this type of evaluation is that we can achieve positive results. It is that we can correctly identify the hazards. We must take into account the following points in order to carry out the review: Storage of waste and disposal: Among other things, we must ensure that adequate containers are used, and that the waste is stored away from drains and waterways. In short, the right thing is to achieve a reduction in the environmental impact of our business, which we can achieve through the use of effective waste management practices(Cheremisinoff, 2007). Project Planning and gantt chart This Life 98/351 project has the basic mission of influencing the culture of the workforce in order to improve the waste management generated by this industrial activity. A management that we mainly stick to the objectives of minimizing and classifying at source. For this purpose, it has been considered important to develop a tool with which, in the planning phase of the work, the builders and demolition companies can know the activities and expenses (for phases of execution in the case of the new work) Management of the leftovers that will be generated. And at this point, the person in charge of carrying out the Management Plan should be the one who - among those who form the team that develops the construction or demolition project - becomes better acquainted with the operation of the work and The one that habitually takes care of the subjects of security and health and quality control. In addition, the amount of waste and its impact (Cheremisinoff, 2007). Management system is essential data for the planning of the work and demolition, and also to determine, with some precision, the deposit to be deposited in those Local municipalities that implement Decree 201/94. Nevertheless, It has been considered even more important to have a user-friendly tool to help convince, for economic reasons, the need to reduce the amount of waste, ie to raise, from an early stage Minimization criteria. The gantt chart will provide a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to coordinate paln track specific task in a project. research Initial report lab and field set up Tabulating the lab results Final project June July August September The above gantt chart shows the schedule of events that will will lead to the final project being given. Bthis starts from initial research which is the collection of field data and other information regading the project. It is followed up by making of the final project proposal, then the field set up, which is then followed by tabulating the lab results and subsequently the final project. Conclusion The report shows an orderly list according to the different phases of the project: the project, the programming and the execution. This is a previous stage of singular importance since its implementation depends on the final quantity of surplus material that has to be managed. Minimization of waste in demolition The first step to optimize waste management is to design demolition with environmental criteria, that is, to organize demolition operations taking into account that the amount of waste that is going to stop To the landfill is minimal. Therefore, we are talking about deconstruction. Deconstruction is the set of dismantling operations of a building that make possible a high level of recovery and use of the materials in order to reincorporate them to new constructions of the handbook of minimization and waste management in construction and demolition reports in detail on this demolition system) (Cheremisinoff, 2007). Taking into account the definition of minimization offered, th e criteria to reduce the waste that we expose are focused on the reuse and recycling of materials at the same site where the demolition took place. It is a question of which the work itself is the place of digestion of the waste that originates. Therefore, and whenever possible, we will have to coordinate the actions of the demolition with those of the new work as follows References Bersani, C. (2008).Advanced technologies and methodologies for risk management in the global transport of dangerous goods. Washington, DC: IOS Press. Blackman, W. (2001).Basic hazardous waste management. Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.]: Lewis. Cheremisinoff, N. (2007).Handbook of solid waste management and waste minimization technologies. Norwich, NY: Knovel. Hall, E. (2005).Recycling. Farmington Hills, MI: KidHaven Press. Lippitt, J., Webb, P. and Martin, W. (2000).Hazardous Waste Handbook. Burlington: Elsevier. Mani, C. (2010).Environmental analysis. Jaipur: Oxford Book Co. Radojevic, M. and Bashkin, V. (n.d.).Practical Environmental Analysis. Stewart, S. (2008).Recycling. Berlin: Cornelsen. The Bureau of Land Management's proposed rule entitled "Waste prevention, production subject to royalties, and resource conservation". (n.d.).

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Influence of Social Status on Individuals Assessment and Self

Abstract People are perceived to be smarter or more knowledgeable depending on their positions or their roles in society. Social status does not only influence the way powerful individuals are assessed but it also has an impact on individuals’ self-assessment and the choice of behavioral patterns which can be the reason why they are perceived more knowledgeable.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Influence of Social Status on Individuals’ Assessment and Self-Assessment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In terms of the present research it was conducted a quiz game which required the role of a questioner and that of the answerer thus the target of evaluation became â€Å"self† versus â€Å"partner†. Results indicate that the roles in the Quiz-Game affected how observers judged the questioner and answerer. We also saw that role did have an effect of how the questioner and answere r viewed themselves. Powerful individuals act more situation-consistent not only in terms of researches but in the real life as well, which can be either beneficial or harmful for the development of overall society. Introduction People are perceived to be smarter or more knowledgeable depending on their positions or their roles in society. Additionally how we perceive ourselves when compared to others on same level of role with ourselves as equal or less knowledge to someone similar to ourselves, I basically agree with their research that we are perceived according to our role that we play in society so this is what my research is about it can also be referred to as (FAE) fundamental attribution error and related article as supported in social psychology. Admittedly, more powerful people act in a different way and reveal more variable reactions to various situations which can be the reason why they are perceived more knowledgeable. Thus, Guinote (2008) reported that powerful individ uals tended to act differently in accordance with different situations. The survey’s findings also suggest that powerful individuals change their behavioral patterns across various situations more as compared to powerless individuals. Due to such situation-consistency powerful individuals are regarded as more experienced and more knowledgeable. Notably, this perception is often generalized since powerful individuals are not assessed by their past behavior or performance, instead they are perceived as knowledgeable due to their social status. Social status does not only influence the way powerful individuals are assessed but it also has an impact on individuals’ self-assessment and the choice of behavioral patterns. For instance, according to Lammers and Stapel (2009) having power influences the way individuals try to solve moral dilemmas.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Lea rn More Lammers and Stapel (2009) found that more powerful individuals tended to concentrate on rules and principles, whereas less powerful individuals focused on the consequences. It is worth mentioning that in situations when decisions based on principles and rules threatened participants’ self-interest, more powerful individuals tended to solve the problem concentrating on the consequences. Thus, individuals’ status is a very important (if not essential) factor which influences their behavior. Notably, not only other people regard powerful people as more knowledgeable, but powerful individuals assess themselves likewise. Such self-assessment makes powerful individuals act in accordance with their self-interest and in terms of conventional rules. Nevertheless, sometimes this peculiarity of people’s assessment can be harmful, since some more powerful people can use their position in to reach their own aims. Cooper (2002) reports that police officers who are m ore powerful individuals do not always try to help less powerful individuals. Instead these more powerful individuals make use of their position, and their decisions often regarded as correct due to the assessment that more powerful people are more knowledgeable. Admittedly, powerful individuals are regarded as more knowledgeable and due to this perception they are often in more favorable position than less powerful individuals. Ross et al. (1977) considered the correlation between social status and individuals’ assessment. According to Ross et al. (1977) powerful individuals are perceived as more knowledgeable on the basis of their status. Moreover, powerful people are aware of their favorable position and often use it to â€Å"inappropriately deem members of their own caste well-suited to their particular leadership tasks† (Ross et al., 1977, p.494). It is necessary to point out that despite the considerable amount of surveys on the correlation between status and ind ividual perception, the problem needs further research. Discussion In psychology attribute biases are ubiquitous, to some extent they are referred to contemporary social psychology’s bedrock. The attribution biases lead us to underrating the significance of unresponsive, situational factors over the responsive human factors. Ross et al (1977) indicates that when making correct social judgments, self-presentation benefits and limitations should be adequately recognized on performers of social roles. Experimentation used to examine social insight in an encounter where a participant made hard questions that were based on general knowledge while another participant attempted to solve the exact questions.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Influence of Social Status on Individuals’ Assessment and Self-Assessment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Findings showed that perceivers do not give adequ ate allowance and leave a biasing effect on the â€Å"interviewer† and the â€Å"interviewee.† When judging the both of the participants the questioners gave an allowance to demonstrate esoteric knowledge that they exhibit in composing the questions. They were always recognized as superior to the ones answering their questions. Interpersonal encounters present adequate knowledge on social judgments and when evaluating oneself. Personal performances on such occasion fortified by the social roles each individual partakes. There are notable biased effects upon performance. In regard to the quiz game the specific empirical demonstration deals with the roles of the â€Å"questioner† and the â€Å"answerer† it also entails the bias discernment of the general knowledge that lead to random task, it purposes to fulfill the roles of the quiz game. Ross et al (1977) the tasks participated by the questioner is to compose a list of general knowledge quiz and then give them to the answerer contestant. The two participants and a couple of observers are present in the whole process. The role of the observers is to assess the contestants’ general knowledge in the whole exercise. Great emphasis is put on the role conferred, in general knowledge the advantages and the disadvantages of self-presentation in quiz game. Their role of these advantages and setbacks are neither understated nor concealed. The present research also proves that social status does influence individuals’ assessment. In the first place, individuals who were put in more favorable position, i.e. the position of the questioner who had the questions and the answers at hand, were regarded by observers as more powerful, i.e. more knowledgeable. Notably, the observers were likely to think that the questioners were more knowledgeable largely concentrating on the superior status of the more powerful individuals. It goes without saying that questioners did not have to reveal t he scope of their knowledge to prove their level, they only asked questions. It follows that the observers did not have the real opportunity to assess the level of the questioners’ knowledge, but they still evaluated the questioners as more knowledgeable. The observers assessed the questioners focusing on their social status and behavior, not on their exact knowledge. What the observers did see was that the questioners were confident enough and could correct the answerer if the latter was not right. The observers did not take into account that the questioners simply had the answers written in their papers which made them more knowledgeable. It is necessary to point out that many questioners could fail to answer the questions if they were in the position of answerers. Apparently, the observers did not pay much attention to that fact. It is possible to assume that the observers based their judgments on their previous experience: those who ask questions are, as a rule, more powe rful and more knowledgeable. This kind of generalization works in the particular case of the quiz game.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apart from this stereotypes which had impact on the observers’ assessment, influenced questioners and answerers’ self-assessment as well. It is important to state that not only observers but questioners and answerers shared the viewpoints about more and less powerful positions. Admittedly, individuals who found themselves in superior position (even if they occupied the position at random) felt more confident and that is why they did produce the impression of being more knowledgeable. At the same time, answerers felt that they were in less favorable position. They could even feel a bit subordinate to questioners. The answerers were not very confident since they did not have the right answers at hand. The answerers did not feel that confident and could be even a bit nervous since they wanted to give the correct answers. It goes without saying that the answerers considered themselves to be less knowledgeable. This is supported by the present research findings. The answere rs’ self-assessment was also based on stereotypes to great extent. It is important to note that self-assessment influenced the participants’ behavior. Thus, questioners were confident and enjoyed their being regarded as powerful and more knowledgeable, the answerers were regarded as less knowledgeable and shared this opinion. It is possible to state that self-assessment influenced the participants’ behavior which contributed to creation of certain evaluation by observers. Reportedly, the peculiarities of individuals’ assessment and self-assessment can be revealed not only during some surveys but in the real life. Admittedly, people tend to regard people who are in more powerful position as more knowledgeable due to their social status. Initially people judge other individuals in terms of their social status and only after this some personal features and behavior is taken into account. It goes without saying that individuals’ self-assessment id depe ndant on their social status. More powerful individuals are more confident and can often make use of their position, whereas less powerful individuals may often feel subordinate to the former. Moreover, in the real life less powerful individuals tend to rely on more powerful people. Reportedly, powerful individuals act more situation-consistent not only in terms of researches but in the real life as well, which is beneficial for the development of overall society since powerful people are thought to be bound to help powerless individuals. For instance, McWilliams (1993) revealed a very useful trend when powerful individuals were called for being responsible for powerless individuals, children in particular. Admittedly, it is believed that powerful individuals being more knowledgeable and experienced can and should solve difficult issues. Fortunately, powerful people share such opinion and tend to take control of various situations which in its turn contributes to their image of powe rful individuals. Thus, the society admits that people occupying powerful position (like lawyers or officials) should take care of less powerful people due to the fact that they are more knowledgeable and, of course, they are able to implement the necessary changes in the society. In this case the peculiarities of individuals’ assessment can lead (and do lead) to many improvements the society. On the one hand, such tendency when more powerful people take control of numerous situations is quite favorable, since the higher position is used to develop the society. Nevertheless, sometimes powerful individuals may use their position in some inappropriate way. First of all, they can use their position to achieve some personal goals which can have negative consequences for others. This kind of situation can worsen since less powerful people tend to accept more powerful individuals’ decisions. On the other hand, individuals who are in more favorable, i.e. powerful, position ar e not necessarily more knowledgeable and experienced as other people can think. Thus, many decisions may be erroneous due to the fact that in reality more powerful individuals lack the necessary knowledge or experience. Again this can lead to some undesirable effects since less powerful individuals who may really know the right solution will not be listened to because of the lack of authority or even will not express their opinion since they regard themselves as subordinates. This kind of situation is illustrated by the present research when questioners were regarded as more knowledgeable due to their position, though in reality they could know less than the answerers. Conclusion In conclusion, it is possible to state that the present research proves that individuals’ assessment is to great extent based on the social position occupied by people assessed. Moreover, the social status also influences individuals’ self-assessment and their behavior. Thus, the questioners i n the Quiz-Game were regarded as more knowledgeable basing on their superior position. The self-assessment was very much alike: questioners and answerers regarded themselves as less knowledgeable. Admittedly, the same assessment patterns are found in the real life where people occupying higher social positions are considered to be more powerful, knowledgeable and experienced. Such peculiarity of people’s perception can have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, the society promulgates the authority of powerful people and makes them responsible for less powerful individuals. Powerful individuals share this opinion and are ready to implement the necessary changes and to make the necessary decisions. On the other hand, some powerful individuals may use their position to reach their personal aims which can have negative effects for others. Moreover, not all powerful people are that knowledgeable as they are considered to be so they can often make erroneous decision s which will be brought to life due to their high position. In this case the entire society can be threatened by the authority of people who in reality are not worth their positions. Thus, it is yet to find out whether the psychological peculiarity of people assessing other individuals on the basis of their social status is beneficial or ruinous for the society. It can be also helpful to research whether individuals’ assessment and self-assessment can be changed and how. References Cooper, S. (2002). A Closer Look at Racial Profiling. Foundation for American Communications. Web. Guinote, A. (2008). Power and Affordances: When the Situation Has More Power Over Powerful Than Powerless Individuals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(2), 237-252. Lammers, J. and Stapel, D.A. (2009). How Power Influences Moral Thinking. 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